Valori batrane


Image              Dimineata banala , stau in statie. Eu si o batranica. O adevarata bunicuta parca scoasa dintr-o carte prafuita cu  “povesti nemuritoare ”  suvenir dintr-o lume aproape apusa pentru copiii de astazi. Autobuzul probabil inzapezit pe undeva. Eu injur in gand, batranica zambeste si ma intreaba curioasa si grijulie daca nu imi intra apa in cizme . Dupa o taclale de 10 minute , am ramas cu un inceput de zi cald , dar si cu un gand pana astazi nu foarte bine conturat : batranii nostrii sunt  prin ei insisi o mostenire , un tezaur. Ei sunt etalonul nostru, sunt oameni frumosi care au trait frumos si de la care avem atat de multe de  invatat!

7 thoughts on “Valori batrane

    1. Thank you very much for the visit and for your appreciation 🙂 This picture is not mine,I will specify the source .I found it somewhere,I loved it and I saved it in my computer.When I wrote the text ,this picture seemed very appropiate for my thoughts 🙂 Thank you for your wishes ,happy holidays to you too !

      1. No worries, the other pictures on your blog are really good as well. Very atmospheric. Are you based in Bucarest? I always wanted to go there for a visit but so far have not made it there. It looks like a great place for a photographer to be. Way to go! I am looking forward to your future posts. All the best, the Canary

      2. well,you are very nice,thank you ! Yes,I am from Bucharest ,and I live here.It’s part of my soul,it’s a vicious,sick ,beautiful city ,full of contrasts .whenever you decide to come give me a sign if you want to,and maybe we take some pictures 🙂

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